Route 6 website lesson

The Route 6 website lesson, what started as a new update about Shoemaker’s Travel & Service Center Lincoln, Nebraska, on Route 6 Tourist Association website @   The content contains a link to a PDF file, and that prompted my quest to add a canonical link to that PDF file so it would be indexed by Google’s bot.  The chore was researched and I chose the information in this URL Canonical URLs: A Beginner’s Guide to Canonical Tags it was my problem source.   I read the part about getting that done with an edit of the .htaccess file  The content was written as this:

Use rel=“canonical” in HTTP Headers

A rel=“canonical” HTTP header allows you to specify a canonical URL for non-HTML documents.

For example, if you have a .docx and .pdf version of the same document online, you can use this method to indicate your preferred version.

However, you need to be able to change your server’s configuration.

In the .htaccess file, specify a canonical URL by adding code that looks like this:

Link: <>; rel="canonical"

That caused problems, and the good support team righted that wrong that I created.  Then I went into 2 different tools and got 2 different results.  I first checked the Google Search Console, and it wasn’t indexing PDF files (someday I’ll figure out why) since I checked on the BING search and ALL the pdf files (that are in the processed sitemap.xml file are listed)

Thanks to the support at

Are you making short videos

Are you making short videos for social media shares?  There are several channels that share short content.,,, and

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How to add a unique image to a Twitter card with Rank Math

How to add a unique image to a Twitter card with Rank Math is an easy way to have a unique image for Twitter different from the OG image that is setup in RankMath

The image is setup in the step by step instructions linked below.

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I am usually available for side collaborations and talks worldwide. If you want to chat about design, books, internet solutions, or anything else, don’t hesitate in reaching out. has a contact form. If you enjoy what I do, please support me on Ko-fi!